Dual Asteroid Redirection Test SUCCESS!
10 months after launch and 7 million miles away, DART perfectly impacted Dimorphos in the worlds first planetary defense test
Don’t Miss the DART Impact Event!
Don’t miss the Lowell Observatory DART Impact Event Monday September 26!
Mineral First Discovered at Barringer Crater
In 1967 a new diamond-hard mineral was discovered at the Barringer Meteorite Crater. It is named lonsdaleite, after the first female crystalographer of the Royal Society of London, Kathleen Londsdale.
Fly Over Jezero Crater on Mars
Mars' Jezero Crater, where NASA's Perseverance Mars rover will explore for signs of fossilized microbial life.
At Meteor Crater, Scientific Research is Ongoing
NASA’s DART Mission, a test to impact an asteroid off course, will be live streamed on NASA TV September 26
Explore the Universe with this Interactive Site!
Open Space Visualization Software is an open source project, funded in part by NASA, to bring space exploration research to the general public.
DART: one of NASA’s Planetary Defense Missions
DART: Double Asteroid Redirection Test, one of NASA’s planetary defense missions, is aiming for the binary, near-Earth asteroid pair Didymos which orbits Dimorphous.
NASA’s 10 Favorite Impact Sites (Not on Earth)
Great images and reasons for preferring these 10 meteorite impact sites: check them out
The Top 10 Meteor Craters to Visit
The top ten list of amazing meteorite craters to visit around the world starts with Barringer Meteorite Crater in Arizona USA
New Research on Diamonds from Diablo Canyon Meteorite
New Research on Diamonds formed by the Diablo Canyon Meteorites found around Barringer Meteorite Crater
Micro-Meteoroid Strike to Web Space Telescope
The NASA James Web Space telescope suffered an unavoidable micrometeoroid strike to one of the primary mirror segments, but this was to be expected and was prepared for!
Martian Meteorite, found in Sahara, Contains Water
Studied since its discovery in the Sahara Desert, NWA (for “North West Africa”) 7034 has been studied, and more recently the crater on Mars from which this meteorite was ejected has been determined!
Do you wonder how much you can see when you visit?
It’s quite dramatic, the views from the many walkways!
NASA Artemis Mission to the Moon Training at Meteor Crater
NASA Astronauts train for the Artemis mission to the moon at Barringer Meteorite Crater
Meteoritical Society Meeting in Glasgow!
2022 Conference of the Meteoritical Society, August 14-19
Do You Know Why the Rim of the Meteor Crater is Raised?
You can see the “butte” like raised edge of the crater along the horizon line from the road. Why would an meteoritic impact which creates a hole in the ground, also leave quite a raised rim?
Road Trip! An Easy Visit to Meteor Crater
Come visit the world’s most incredible meteorite impact site! We’re just 35 miles east of Flagstaff on I-40.
NASA System Now Predicts Location of Impact
This year NASA was able to predict a non -hazardous arrival of a small asteroid, including where on earth it would reach our atmosphere, before disintegrating.