Current Research on Asteroid Bennu
Imene Kerraouch PhD presenting her research on Bennu poster at MetSoc conference 2023
History Channel’s “Ancient Aliens” features Barringer Crater
The History Channel’s “Ancient Aliens” program discusses asteroids and meteorites which brought both destruction and life supporting precious elements to this planet!
Indigenous Peoples Day at Meteor Crater
In honor and celebration of Indigenous Peoples Day, Meteor Crater is planning a full day of events and activities, including a Native American Market, Music, Dancing and Crafts for all to enjoy!
Where Will You be for the Total Solar Eclipse?
Barringer Meteor Crater is very near to the prime viewing location of the October 14th 2023 Total Eclipse!
Life Bounced Back after Chicxulub!
After the giant asteroid crashed into earth causing the extinction of the Dinosaurs and 75% of species (also called the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K-Pg) boundary) apparently life rebounded!
Interactive Earth Impact Map- Any Near You?
Its quite amazing to see how many confirmed Meteorite Impact sites there are around the world, maybe there’s one near you!
First Asteroid Sample Return
The first-ever mission to retrieve a sample of an asteroid has successfully returned!
Dr. Hasna Chennaoui of Attarik Foundation Presentation
Hasna Chennaoui’s list of achievements is long! She is founder of the Attarik Foundation, and the 2023 winner of the Meteoritical Society Service Award. She presented several papers at the conference and is shown here with her research poster.
Birger Schmitz, Barringer Medalist 2023
“Spinels in Sediments and the Astronomical Perspective on Earth’s History — What Can 20 Tons of Rock and 40,000 Liters of Hydrochloric Acid Tell Us?”
How Bad Could it Be?
Professor Amy Mainzer presented “Earth-Approaching Asteroids and Comets: Opportunity and Risk” at the Fouler Museum at UCLA comparing past earth impacts with the size and density of the meteorites that caused them to determine which meteors would be harmful to earth.
IUGS International Geoheritage Sites
Take a tour of our amazing planet’s geologically important sites, and find a free downloadable illustrated book of the first 100!
How are Impact Craters on Earth Confirmed?
Since 2019 the Impact Cratering Committee have developed defining criteria, and are launching in 2023 an approved database of confirmed sites.
Tunguska Event, Caused by What?
Could the Tunguska event have been caused by something other than an asteroid?
Star Stuff Podcast about Meteor Crater!
Lowell Observatory’s great podcast series Star Stuff features all the news and developments at Meteor Crater!
Remembering Eugene Gurov
Eugene (Yevgeniy) Gurov, an important contributor to the field of Meteoritics has passed away in his sleep on July 19, 2023.
Research at the Crater Relates to Mars
Studying patterns of erosion caused by water at Barringer Meteor Crater helps provide evidence that liquid water may have existed on Mars!
Planetary Geologist Marvel: Ursula B. Marvin
“Among Harvard’s greatest treasures are people who revel in discovery and disperse dusty clouds of ignorance.” - David Kring
Bucket List Road Trip!
An incredible site and family opportunity to learn about space sciences and meteoritics- people come from all around the world to study or visit Barringer Meteor Crater!
Lonsdaleite First Discovered at Meteor Crater!
“The Barringer Crater in Arizona, United States, was formed by the asteroid Canyon Diablo meteorite, where Lonsdaleite was first found in 1967. “