Space Exploration Greg Schicker-Taubman Space Exploration Greg Schicker-Taubman

"Report a Fireball" to the American Meteor Society

Yes, its true, there is a place to report your sightings of meteor “fireballs” in the sky near your location. This website with the American Meteor Society tracks the frequency and reports of these shooting stars! How interesting to see how often and how many people also witness these unusual events all on one website.

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Planetary Science Greg Schicker-Taubman Planetary Science Greg Schicker-Taubman

Werner Herzog and Clive Oppenheimer Film: Fireball: Visitors From Darker Worlds

A new documentary film directed by Werner Herzog and Clive Oppenheimer explores how meteorites have impacted our planet’s landscapes and cultures around the world! Featuring stunning cinematography as they travel all continents, sharing indigenous traditions, science, and the possibility of a catastrophic impact in the future. This film premiers on Apple TV November 13.

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