Planetary Science Greg Schicker-Taubman Planetary Science Greg Schicker-Taubman

Introducing Barringer Family Fund Research Grant Recipient: Morgan Cox

Each year, the Barringer Family Fund awards a small number of competitive grants, in collaboration with the Lunar and Planetary Institute, to support MA, PhD, and postdoctoral students as they carry out field research at known and suspected impact sites around the world. The 2020 grants have been awarded to 6 recipients, their projects are posted on the site in RESEARCH.

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Planetary Science Greg Schicker-Taubman Planetary Science Greg Schicker-Taubman

Introducing Barringer Family Fund Research Grant Recipient: Tiolo Aurélien Temenou

Each year, the Barringer Family Fund awards a small number of competitive grants, in collaboration with the Lunar and Planetary Institute, to support MA, PhD, and postdoctoral students as they carry out field research at known and suspected impact sites around the world. The 2020 grants have been awarded to 6 recipients, their projects are posted on the site in RESEARCH.

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