LPI Announces the 2020 Barringer Award Recipients

“The Lunar and Planetary Institute is pleased to announce the newest grant awardees of the Barringer Family Fund for Meteorite Impact Research.

Morgan Cox Curtin University, Australia

Raiza R. QuinteroCurtin University, Australia

Siddharth RajpriyeIndian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India

Catherine RossUniversity of Texas - Austin, USA

Tiolo Aurélien TemenouUniversity of Yaounde, CameroonS

tamatios XydousAgricultural University of Athens, Greece

The Barringer Crater Company established this special fund in 2002 that provides competitive grants to eligible students to support their field research at known or suspected impact sites worldwide.

The Barringer Family Fund for Meteorite Impact Research was established as a memorial to recognize the contributions of the Barringer family to the field of meteoritics and their strong interest in and support of research and education. The Fund also reflects the family's long-standing commitment to responsible stewardship of the Barringer Meteorite Crater and the family's resolve to maintain the crater as a unique scientific research and education site.”

See 2019 winners Here


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