Barringer Crater Co. Announces Changes to Scientific Advisory Committee

Headshots of Barringer Crater Company Scientific Advisors Dr. Christian Koeberl and Dr. Gordon Osinski

Headshots of Dr. Koeberl and Dr. Osinski onsite at the Barringer Meteorite Crater (images courtesy Dr. Koeberl and Dr. Osinski)

As the Barringer Crater Company welcomes a new generation of leadership and embarks on its next phase of strategic planning, the Board recognizes and thanks Dr. David Kring, Principal Scientist for the Lunar and Planetary Institute, for his 24 years of service as our scientific advisor, invites Dr. Christian Koeberl, professor of impact research and planetary geology at the University of Vienna, to Chair our scientific advisory committee, and welcomes Dr. Gordon Osinski, professor of Planetary Geology and Earth & Planetary Materials at University of Western Ontario, to join our advisory team.


Barringer Crater Co. Welcomes New Science Advisor


Cascading Boulder Analysis at Barringer Meteor Crater