The Barringer Crater Company

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Exploring Space from Earth

There are so many ways to “travel in space” on our own planet, and one of the best places to do so is in Northern Arizona! Meteor Crater and Lowell Observatory are in and near Flagstaff, one of the first “Dark Cities” to foster astronomy. An excerpt from Mike Bezemek in the June 14 2023 article in Smithsonian Magazine reads: “Aerial photos of the site might easily be mistaken for the lunar surface, which is why members of the Apollo Program visited in the 1960s. With scientists leading the way, astronauts scrambled around the crater floor, slopes and rim. Their mission was to understand ejecta patterns—the blasted material that lands outside the crater—and help astronauts develop an understanding of how to sample this material while on the moon.” Find out all about the impact and space travel at the Barringer Space Museum perched on the rim of the Crater!